Dear Parishioners:
The season of Lent is a special time of prayer, penance, sacrifice and good works in preparation of the celebration of Easter. This Lent let us in prayer, thought and deed be concerned for each other, especially those feeling separated from us.
The great commandment of love one another; demands that we care for others, that we recognize the needs of others, that we lift others up. Let us also share our blessings with others in solidarity with them. Lastly let us strive for true holiness in our own lives, a holiness that conforms us to God.
During this season of Lent: Annunziata Church is offering many opportunities (please refer to information below for events and dates) for spiritual growth.
This list gives all the times and dates for our Lenten services. These include the schedule of Masses, Stations of the Cross, Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Week.
May this great season of Lent and the season of Easter create a clean heart in us and draw all of us closer to our God, so that we can truly rejoice, as did the disciples on that first Easter morning. “Jesus Christ is Risen!”
Blessed Lent!
Msgr. John Shamleffer
Holy Thursday – April 17
Good Friday – April 18
Holy Saturday – April 19
Easter Sunday – April 20
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