

       Dominican Father James Dominic Rooney will begin our Mission by preaching all this weekend’s Masses (Saturday, March 30th at :00 p.m. and Sunday, March 31st at 7:00, 9:00, & 11:00 a.m.).
       On Monday, April 1st, Father will celebrate Mass at 7:00 p.m. and preach.  Following Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing will be offered to all wishing to receive.  
       The Catechism of the Catholic Church’s section on the Anointing of the Sick defines the purpose of the sacrament as “the conferral of a special grace on the Christian experiencing the difficulties inherent in a condition of grave illness (anticipating surgery, recovery from it, depression, growing elderly, chronic illness and suffering, addictions of various sorts, etc.).
       The Anointing of the Sick confers sanctifying grace.  The primary purpose of the special grace is to comfort and strengthen the soul of the sick person. This is the grace that quiets anxiety and dissipates fear.  It is the Grace which enables the sick person to embrace God’s will.  It is the grace which gives the soul the strength to face and conquer whatever temptations to doubt, despondency, or even despair.  Many of you have received this Sacrament before, so you know the peace of mind and confidence in God this Sacrament bestows.
       Tuesday evening, April 2nd, Fr. Rooney will offer Mass at 7:00 p.m. and preach.  After Mass, we offer Christ’s great Sacrament of Divine Mercy and Loving Forgiveness.  We will have four priests available.  The essence of this Sacrament is that Jesus is really present.  He suffered, died, and rose for you while you were yet in your sins.  He wants to forgive you, Grace you in your struggles with temptations, and give you God’s inner Peace.
       Wednesday evening, April 3rd, Father Rooney will offer the concluding Mass at 7:00 p.m.  I ask you to pray that the Holy Spirit will pour forth the Graces of Wisdom and understanding, so that we all have the courage to accept God’s offer of a deeper friendship than we have ever known before.