

Entries for October 2022

From Our Pastor...

Posted on October 28, 2022 in: Pastor


In order that all our Parishioners may participate in Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation on All Saints’ Day, Masses will be offered:

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st—7 a.m. & 9 a.m & 5:30 p.m.


Mass will be offered on ALL SOULS’ DAY AT 7 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.

The 5:30 p.m. Mass will have a special remembrance for all those who have died over the past year. We pray for our deceased and remember in prayer their family and friends who grieve their loss.


Dear God, I am so afraid to open my clenched fists, who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to? Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands? Please help me to gradually open my hands to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me! Help me practice the discipline of gratitude!


It is a remarkable coup. As churches struggle with declining membership, the wellness industry is redefining the concept of purity as what you consume, rather than as the moral state of your soul. It is also commodifying purity by making it an expensive lifestyle choice.

Purity seems to have an inherent attractiveness to people as what we desire to keep “pure”—the body, the mind, the soul, continues to change. So, wellness grifters of every shape, size, and creed have popped up to fill the void created by a disappearance of spiritual richness from daily life. They have come up with new ways to work out, new meditation apps, new sticks of incense with which to purify your home and myriad other means, to plug the holes left by the decline of traditional religions. (to be continued next week…..)

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From Our Pastor...

Posted on October 20, 2022 in: Pastor


There is still time to sign up for our Parish Listening Sessions to be held this Tuesday, October 25th or Thursday, October 27th from 6pm-8pm. The Sessions will be held in Faris Hall. The All Things New models for Annunziata will be presented for your comments. To Register please call the Rectory.


We are still joined in Jesus Christ with all who have gone before us because, in the words of the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome, nothing can separate us from the love of God made fully present in Jesus Christ, including death (Romans 8:38, 39).

The Saints are a part of the eternal family to which we are now joined in and through Jesus Christ. They are part of that great cloud of witnesses which the author of the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews makes reference in these inspired words of encouragement:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Masses on the Holy Day of Obligation for All Saints are:

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st — 7:00 & 9:00 a.m., & 5:30 p.m. — ALL SAINTS

Please pray for peace, especially in our families, in our country and in the world.


It is good for us to recall with gratitude our loved ones with whom we have shared our life and history. Yes, we may still experience the sadness of their loss, even after many years. But we should also recall the joy we had in their presence and the roles they played in our lives.

During this month of November, I want to assure you that we pray daily at Mass for your deceased family members and friends. I encourage you to inscribe their names in the Book of Remembrance in the front of Church by the Communion rail on St. Joseph’s side. Let us all pray for the deceased, and for one another who grieve their loss.

On Wednesday, November 2nd there will be a special Mass for all those we have died over the past year. If you would like to join us, no matter where your loved one’s service was performed, please contact the Rectory by Friday, October 28th. We will have a candle, that you can take home, with your loved one’s name on it that will be lit at this Mass. Please join us!

Wednesday 2nd — 7:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. — All Souls

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From Our Pastor...

Posted on October 14, 2022 in: Pastor

You are Invited!!

As your pastor, I invite you to take part in a special parish meeting to hear about the All Things New draft models for Annunziata.

I would emphasize that your participation and input is very important. A Model is only an option of how parishes in our planning area could be structured. Your attendance at the Parish meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25 OR Thursday, Oct 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. is critical because it will have an important part to play in the future of our beloved Church of the Annunziata.

To register, please go to our website:, or call the rectory, and Dodie or Linda will help you register.

Feast of All the Saints

We are still joined in Jesus Christ with all who have gone before us because, in the words of the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome, nothing can separate us from the love of God made fully present in Jesus Christ, including death (Romans 8:38, 39).

The Saints are a part of the eternal family to which we are now joined in and through Jesus Christ. They are part of that great cloud of witnesses to which the author of the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews makes reference in these inspired words of encouragement:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Masses on the Holy Day of Obligation for All Saints are:

Tuesday, November 1st — 7:00 & 9:00 A.m., & 5:30 P.m. — All Saints

All Souls Day- Praying For All Who Have Died

You and I often speak of our “loss” when a loved one dies. It is true that we do lose their physical presence in our lives. We are no longer able to hold them or hug them. But, our faith assures us that death cannot overcome love. The bonds of love which unite us endure and we are joined to our loved ones in the Communion of Saints. Our loved ones are not lost—they are with God who is love.

It is good for us to recall with gratitude our loved ones with whom we have shared our life and history. Yes, we may still experience the sadness of their loss, even after many years. But we should also recall the joy we had in their presence and the roles they played in our lives.

During this month of November, I want to assure you that we pray daily at Mass for your deceased family members and friends. I encourage you to inscribe their names in the Book of Remembrance in the front of Church by the Communion rail on St. Joseph’s side. Let us all pray for the deceased, and for one another who grieve their loss.

On Wednesday, November 2nd there will be a special Mass for all those we have lost over the past year. If you would like to join us, no matter where your loved one’s service was performed, please contact the Rectory by Friday, October 28th. We will have a candle, that you can take home, with your loved one’s name on it that will be lit at this Mass. Please join us!

Wednesday, November 2nd — 7:00 A.m. & 5:30 P.m. — All Souls

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From Our Pastor...

Posted on October 07, 2022 in: Pastor

Respect Life

To create a world where every person is loved, each person must spread kindness, mercy and an authentic understanding of being part of the human family. Only then will abortion and other attacks on human life end.

Over the past months, we have seen civil unrest and chaos spread across our country. Now more than ever, people of faith must be the voice of reason as we seek unity and spread God’s mercy.

We are a nation founded on “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, but the right to life itself is not fully protected, especially for unborn children, the terminally ill, and the elderly, the most vulnerable members of the American family. We are called to be peacemakers in a nation at war. We are a country pledged to pursue “liberty and justice for all”, but we are too often divided across lines of race, ethnicity, and economic inequality.

We are a society built on the strength of our families, called to defend marriage and offer moral and economic support for family life. We are an affluent society where too many live in poverty and lack health care and other necessities of life. These challenges are at the heart of public life and at the center of the pursuit of the common good.

All Things New Parish Listening Sessions

There are rumors galore, news’ stories speculating on the future of parishes and parish schools, and so much more. As your pastor, I invite you to come to one of our parish listening sessions, to get the facts, and to offer your opinion about Models that will be presented. A Model is an option as to how parishes in our planning area could be structured. The Models are “unfinished” because they need your input. To register go to:

To obtain the Parish Workbook with pertinent data about the Archdiocese, our local planning area, and our specific Church of the Annunziata go to:

Should you have any difficulties registering for our Listening Session, please contact the Rectory at 314-993-4422 during regular office hours.

COVID 19 — Omicron Virus

Throughout these two and a half years, I have sought the best ways to keep the people of Annunziata safe when they come to Church to worship. The Doctors and the Scientists consulted are from the St. Louis area and the Virus is their specialty.

In light of their medical advice, Holy Water will be placed in the founts and the Children’s and Babies’ Room next to the Sanctuary will be re-opened beginning this

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