

Entries for February 2025

From Our Pastor...

Posted on February 10, 2025 in: Pastor

Dear Parishioners:

Pope Francis has designated Wednesday February 11, (Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes) as World Day for the Sick. It is a day to remember, pray for and with those who are ill or infirmed in our world. Jesus is often found in the Gospels healing the sick in body or mind, as a sign of his of love and compassion for us his children.

Pope Benedict states:

Sickness inevitably brings with it a moment of crisis and sober confrontation with one’s own personal situation. Advances in the health sciences often provide the means necessary to meet this challenge, at least with regard to its physical aspects. Human life, however, has intrinsic limitations, and sooner or later it ends in death. This is an experience to which each human being is called, and one for which he or she must be prepared. Despite the advances of science, a cure cannot be found for every illness, and thus, in hospitals, hospices and homes throughout the world we encounter the sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are incurably and often terminally ill. In addition, many millions of people in our world still experience unsanitary living conditions and lack access to much-needed medical resources, often of the most basic kind, with the result that the number of human beings considered “incurable” is greatly increased.

Here I would like to encourage the efforts of those who work daily to ensure that the incurably and terminally ill, together with their families, receive adequate and loving care. The Church, following the example of the Good Samaritan, has always shown particular concern for the infirm. Through her individual members and institutions, she continues to stand alongside the suffering and to attend the dying, striving to preserve their dignity at these significant moments of human existence. Many such individuals – health care professionals, pastoral agents and volunteers – and institutions throughout the world are tirelessly serving the sick, in hospitals and in palliative care units, on city streets, in housing projects and parishes.

Our Church is blessed with two healing sacraments that of Reconciliation and of Anointing of the Sick. Both are grace encounters with our God and signs of his abundant love and compassion. We as members of this Catholic faith are called to imitate Christ in word and deed. Thus we are called to have a special care of the ill and infirmed both in body, mind or spirit. Visiting the sick is a work of mercy and closely aligns us with Christ. If you know of anyone who is sick or in poor health please let us know at the rectory and we will be glad to visit them. I also encourage all of you to also visit the sick whenever possible it is always a great source of comfort.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place this coming Lenten Season, at all of our Masses on the Fourth Sunday of Lent March 29 & 30. This celebration of the sacrament is a reminder of our Church’s and our God’s care for all the sick.

Lastly I would ask all of us to pray in a special way today for all the sick of our world and especially for those in our parish.


Msgr. John Shamleffer

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