Dear Parishioners:
As we have entered into summer time here at Annunziata we have less meetings, no school, and hopefully more time for prayer or maybe to attend a daily mass or Eucharistic Adoration. With that in mind I have shared a reflection on the Lord’s Prayer.
It is so good to reflect upon the prayer Jesus taught us, so that we'll be less likely the "babble on" this Sunday when we recite his prayer together, in common. Even powerful words can become so automatic, that they can lose quite a bit of their power. For example, we should say, "I love you" to everyone we really love, every day. But, we have to say those three simple words, knowing what they mean and letting that meaning come from my heart to the person I love.
Abba. Jesus begins by urging us to be tender in our address to God. We may have difficulties with the word "Father" (whatever issues we might have with "paternalism" or painful experiences of our own absent or difficult father), but Jesus uses the word, Abba, which shocked his listeners for its intimacy. It is an affectionate address, closer to "Papa." It is such an act of "community" to begin with the words "Our Abba." Jesus shows us we are never alone before the God and Father of us all.
May your name be holy. I so want to give you the honor, the praise, the reverence you deserve as the one who made me and sustains me in life. Your Spirit is Holiness itself. From your sanctifying Spirit all holiness comes. By your grace, may I be able to bless your holy name today.
May your Kingdom come. All that I am and whatever I do, including all my choices and relationships are about how your Kingdom, your reign, might come into this world. May your transforming presence fill our world until it is all what you desire it to be. May I be a part of that this day.
May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. And, let me not live today in some "world" that is separated from you and from your desires for me and for others. Free our world from greed and lust for power that is the root of conflict and division, and which leads to all injustice and the indignities against human life itself.
Give us this day our daily bread. I need your nourishment each and every day. I don't need the bread of a celebration each day, but I do need daily bread. Let Jesus be bread - bread that gives life. Continue to nourish us all and sustain us in times that feel like famine.
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Now I'm going to be bold and ask you to forgive us all. And let us all forgive anyone who has sinned against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us. Protect us from all the traps that are out there for us every day - the ones that surprise us, but also the familiar ones we fall into because they've become a part of our patterns. We beg your deliverance and freedom today.
God Bless!
Msgr John Shamleffer
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