

Entries for May 2022

From Our Pastor...

Posted on May 27, 2022 in: Pastor


St. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, teaches all Christians that Jesus, as conqueror of sin and death, is our Mediator and Advocate with our Heavenly Father, to send the Holy Spirit upon us as He promised at the Last Supper. The Holy Spirit empowers us to say a whole hearted “Yes” to God’s will in our lives so that we can be with God for all eternity, as Jesus promised.

Ascension Thursday is celebrated on Sunday, May 29th,in order that parishioners may participate in greater numbers. The transfer of this Solemnity takes place in many Dioceses throughout the United States.


There is no greater way to honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for freedom, than to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for them. Monday, May 30th, you are invited to Mass at 7:00 a.m. to pray for all soldiers killed in wars, both at home and abroad.

A war is just as much about the survivors as it is about the honored dead. It is the survivors who continue to tell the stories of the bravery of those who died for their country and for what they believed in, and it is the survivors who can pass on lessons they have learned to future generations. They are a living testament to the desire of the American people to continue the cause of freedom.

On Monday, May 30th, our Parish Office will be closed in honor of Memorial Day.


Last Monday evening I celebrated Mass for the graduates, and their families and friends, in our wonderful Annunziata Day School. Miss Gerre Book, our Principal, her dedicated staff, and our parents, each expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the generosity of you, our parishioners. The Church of the Annunziata has seen our Annunziata Learning Center as a special mission of our parish. This full-day school education is for our children with learning disabilities, speech and language deficits, and high functioning autism disorders. As we begin our 38th year in the fall, I praise God with you for this “School of Miracles”!

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From Our Pastor...

Posted on May 20, 2022 in: Pastor



St. Paul writes to the followers of Jesus in the City of Corinth, “We have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed, perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies. For while we live, we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be made visible in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you.”

For many years we have been blest to have two seminarians, who are studying to be priests, join us at Annunziata on Sunday mornings. They come, seeking to experience parish life and to learn something of what it means to be a parish priest. As the seminarians reflect on their pastoral experience, they have learned that the People of God want their priests to be holy men. They want priests to be signs of God’s presence and symbols of hope. Priests fulfill these expectations by being men of prayer, being present to people in their times of joy and sorrow, offering a compassionate and sympathetic ear, assuring them that God loves them, and will never abandon them—no matter what happens. Christ’s Church is a community and a way of life which depends totally on God’s grace and our free human response.

I give thanks to God for my family and all the parishioners I have come to know over these past fifty years. It is a privilege to share our stories of faith, to celebrate the Sacraments, and to pray together. I thank you for all you have taught, and continue to teach me about God’s goodness, patience and forgiveness! I ask you for forgiveness for the times I have let you down, disappointed you, or not been attentive to your needs.

As I give praise to God for the Priesthood, I ask you to join me in praying for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Please pray daily and encourage your children or grandchildren by asking them if they have ever thought about a vocation as a priest or religious. If they ask you why you believe they would be a good priest, tell them honestly about your admiration of the Christ like person they are becoming, and affirm the qualities they have that would make them a good priest or religious.

Please, pray daily for vocations!

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From Our Pastor...

Posted on May 13, 2022 in: Pastor


On May 20, 1972, Cardinal John Carberry, the Archbishop of St. Louis, ordained our class of ten transitional deacons to the Priesthood.

In these fifty years I have been blest to serve in parishes with believers who truly know Christ, love Christ, and serve Christ. Each parish has its own personality, diversity, and charisms, but what remains the greatest of blessings,are Parishioners who value their Catholic Faith and try tofaithfully, day by day, lay down their lives in loving, selfless service of their spouse, their children, their parents, friends, the poor and the suffering, and the stranger. Men and Women of Faith inspire me with their desire to serve and not be served, who realize that everything is a gift, and all is Grace, and they want to be instruments of Christ’s compassion, generosity, andmercy in order that the love of Jesus may be made visible.

Next Sunday I will celebrate the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses to give praise and thanksgiving to God for the privilege of being one of Christ’s Priests, to pray for you, the loving and faith-filled people of Annunziata, and to pray for all our deceased family and friends whose sacrifice, devotion, and hard work built a faith family in these 93 years since Monsignor Faris founded Annunziata at the direction of Cardinal John Glennon.

I hope that you and your family can join me at either the 9 or 11 Mass on Sunday, May 22nd.


To prepare well for the Sacrament of Confirmation takes time, prayer, study, reflection on the Word of God, and a commitment to serve! This Sacrament is critical for full initiation into the Catholic Faith through which the Gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to love Jesus and to serve Him in the poor, the suffering, and the needy. Our gratitude to Mrs. Laura Gyawali, Dr. Ben Palanca, and our faith-filled parents who guided their daughters and sons to become an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ.

Congratulations to our Teens who received the Holy Spirit by the conferring of Confirmation by Bishop Mark Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis: Matthew James

Carmody, Caroline Grey Danforth, Drew Borders Danforth, Alyssa Nicole Eye, Catherine Grace Farley, Marjorie Marie Gyawali, Avery Louise Henriksen, Sean Patrick Hogan, Nina Joy Lovett, Chase Michael Murphy, Keira Elizabeth Palanca, Jose Manuel Quiroz Rivera, Audrey Whitelaw Qureshi, Audrey Marie Raibley, Annabelle Hope Reagan, John Alexander Saleeby, Andrew Hunter Schmitz, Lea Shamsham, and Molly Elizabeth Shipley.


As announced last weekend, we are honored to celebrate our Missionary Plan of Cooperation with the Messengers of Peace, co-founded by Monsignor Luis Mesa and our former Archbishop Robert Carlson. The Messengers of Peace is a religiouscommunity dedicated to praying for peace in Colombia and around the world. Members of the community perform works of peace through ministry to the children, elderly and poor in the Country of Colombia.

With a continued growth in vocations, now at 18 members, the Messengers of Peace are looking toward to their newest endeavor: taking on the pastoral leadership and care of 5,000 people who make us the Parish of Our Lady of Protection with a main Church and eight smaller mission chapels in the town of Arcabuco, near the community’s monastery.

Please pray for them and thank you for your support and generosity this weekend.

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From Our Pastor...

Posted on May 05, 2022 in: Pastor


A Mother carries her baby in her womb for nine months, and
in herheart for the rest of her life! Mother stands for millions
of things she gives to her children; it also stands for sacrifices,
pain, grief, and sorrows which she undergoes to keep her
Children happy and secure. On this Mothers’ Day, we pray in love for our
Mothers who are living and deceased. There is no greater love we can offer than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!


Our prayers and heartfelt congratulations to our Girls and Boys who received the Risen Christ for the first time in Holy Communion on Saturday, April 30th!

May I introduce our Children: Bradley Beckman, Andrew Bush, Chiwetel Ezepue, Santiago Flores Tamayo, Nora Gilligan, Catherine Hall, Virginia Holton, Bennett Kamps, Lauren Miller, Lydia Mueller, Jacqueline Murphy, Peyton, Wilber, Caroline (Keely) Williams, Liesl Wilson.



Next weekend, May 14&15, we welcome Monsignor Luis Mesa,founder of the Messengers of Peace in the country of Colombia. Co-founded with the help and support of Archbishop Robert Carlson, the former Archbishop of St. Louis, during a time of active insurgent groups, along with kidnappings in Colombia, there was a grace filled opportunity for a religious community to work with the poor and pray for peace! The community’s charism is prayer, work, and spiritual direction.

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