

Entries for August 2020

Annunziata's Parish School of Religion

Posted on August 26, 2020 in: PSR

Annunziata's Parish School of Religion
ANNUNZIATA’S PARISH SCHOOL of RELIGION will be online for the first semester.

We have chosen an interactive program which combines both online tools and physical text to help your children grow in their Catholic Faith. It nurtures a loving relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a reflection of the family and much more. In addition, we will offer video lessons and communications posted by teachers, as well as other impactful resources, such as Formed, an amazing multimedia platform. Think of your weekly PSR time as a way to decompress and spend positive time together as a family. There’s no pressure, nothing to turn in, just navigating the beautiful roadmap of joy that God gave us in the Catholic faith. In these times, we need it now more than ever. Sharing God’s love with one another is bound to become the best part of your family’s week. School starts September 13th.

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