Dear Parishioners:
During this Easter season we hear from the Acts of the Apostles “Look at those Christians, see how they love one another”! As we celebrate the gift of the risen Lord in our midst this Easter Season, let us remember the love of God who gave all for us and that same love that we are called to share with each other.
We proclaim that His Love For the Life of the World as we unite with other Catholics and men and women of faith across the Archdiocese. Through the Annual Catholic Appeal, we join together and make possible the Church’s mission of evangelization, education and the many ministries of charity. Your participation in the Appeal helps our parish remain vibrant and keeps our school of religion Alive in Christ. It is important that we all participate and encourage every family and individual in our parish to do so as well.
Our Annual Catholic Appeal: “His Love For the Life of the World”, is the largest and most important annual appeal in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Your donations are vital to so many in our Archdiocese. Those you help are: our school children, our teachers, our senior citizens, and our parishes in need. This appeal also reaches out to a wider community in our city, to the poor, the homeless and the most vulnerable in our society, all are helped by your generous donations.
Thank you for your generous support of the Appeal in the past. Wherever people have a genuine need in our Archdiocese, the Annual Catholic Appeal is likely to be involved in meeting that need. Your gift is critical to the success of this Appeal.
This is one time a year; we come together as Catholics to make this gift to those who need us. At times of joy and celebration, loneliness and grief, birth and death they come to the Church. Your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal helps the Church be the Church for them.
The reason I am asking for your support today is because I know of your generosity in assisting those in need. I am so proud of all we do here at The Church of the Annunziata for those in need, and I would love it if we could once again bring Christ’s face to our community here in St. Louis.
I would love it if 100 % of our parish would participate, even if it were only $10. Our sharing with those in need would speak volumes to our world. There is a Haitian saying “that God gives the gifts, but doesn’t share. The sharing is up to us”.
I would ask that all of you prayerfully and thoughtfully consider a gift this year. If you cannot make a monetary gift this year, I would ask that you remember those most in need in your prayers as we show solidarity with all the people of God. If you have any questions or concerns about the campaign please contact me.
Our Appeal begins the weekend of April 20-21; let us pray for its success and for the Church of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. May God bless you and your family.
Easter Blessings!
Msgr. John Shamleffer
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