

Entries for December 2020


Posted on December 17, 2020 in: Pastor


Because of Covid-19 restrictions, Our Church can accommodate only 80 people at each Mass.  Please recognize that Christmas seating will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.  You will be assisted by an usher to find a seat.  You may NOT reserve or hold seats for others. Seats will be given to people as they arrive, so ALL those wishing to sit together must arrive together.  NO ONE MAY STAND IN THE BACK OF CHURCH OR IN THE AISLES!  ALL MUST WEAR A MASK THE ENTIRE TIME EXCEPT WHEN RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION. Social distancing be-tween members of different households will be enforced. 

Once our capacity is reached, the DOORS WILL BE CLOSED, and any who cannot be accommodated will be encouraged to come to the next available Mass. 

Remember, after each Mass for Christmas, as we do after all Masses on weekends and weekdays, the entire Church and the restrooms are sanitized.

Online Mass


Dear Parishioners and Friends of Annunziata,

There is a Christmas card which reads:
“This Christmas, I wish you Jesus.”  

On the inside it reads:
“Isn’t it nice to have everything!”  

In the midst of all our current challenges and concerns, the love of God the Father is made manifest to us in the wonderful gift of His Son, Jesus.  May Jesus, our Savior, bring unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation to our families, our nation, and this world which so desperately needs God’s Healing Grace.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, bless you , your families and loved ones.  May Mary, the Mother of the Child Jesus and our Mother, watch over you and our Parish Family of Annunziata.

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