

From Our Pastor...

Posted on May 27, 2022 in: Pastor


St. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, teaches all Christians that Jesus, as conqueror of sin and death, is our Mediator and Advocate with our Heavenly Father, to send the Holy Spirit upon us as He promised at the Last Supper. The Holy Spirit empowers us to say a whole hearted “Yes” to God’s will in our lives so that we can be with God for all eternity, as Jesus promised.

Ascension Thursday is celebrated on Sunday, May 29th,in order that parishioners may participate in greater numbers. The transfer of this Solemnity takes place in many Dioceses throughout the United States.


There is no greater way to honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for freedom, than to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for them. Monday, May 30th, you are invited to Mass at 7:00 a.m. to pray for all soldiers killed in wars, both at home and abroad.

A war is just as much about the survivors as it is about the honored dead. It is the survivors who continue to tell the stories of the bravery of those who died for their country and for what they believed in, and it is the survivors who can pass on lessons they have learned to future generations. They are a living testament to the desire of the American people to continue the cause of freedom.

On Monday, May 30th, our Parish Office will be closed in honor of Memorial Day.


Last Monday evening I celebrated Mass for the graduates, and their families and friends, in our wonderful Annunziata Day School. Miss Gerre Book, our Principal, her dedicated staff, and our parents, each expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the generosity of you, our parishioners. The Church of the Annunziata has seen our Annunziata Learning Center as a special mission of our parish. This full-day school education is for our children with learning disabilities, speech and language deficits, and high functioning autism disorders. As we begin our 38th year in the fall, I praise God with you for this “School of Miracles”!