

From Our Pastor...

Posted on August 26, 2022 in: Pastor

Parish School of Religion

Our Annunziata Parish School of Religion program is meant to supplement the Religious Formation already happening in the home. Parents are the first and most important teachers of their children in the Catholic Faith. Parents’ example of living and sharing their faith pays dividends for eternity for the whole family.

Annunziata aims to assist parents in teaching their children by providing a safe environment to learn and share their Faith. We pledge to provide religious instruction in the Catholic Faith to assist parents and encourage participation in one of our weekend Sunday Masses.

Our P.S.R. Teachers and Staff are volunteers who devote themselves to our children. We are blest to have Mrs. Laura Gyawali as our Principal, assisted by her daughter, Millie. They have worked hard this summer to plan, coordinate, and make sure that all is in readiness as we begin Parish School of Religion on Sunday, September 11th, at 10 a.m.

If you know of any child from Kindergarten thru the 8th grade who are not receiving religious education, please encourage their parents to call the rectory. Thank You!

Annunziata Learning Center

As we begin our thirty-fifth year of Catholic Special Education, as a special Mission of Annunziata Parish, heartfelt gratitude to all our parishioners who have reached out and helped financially following the flash flood of two and a half feet of water in the lower level of our beautiful School. Thanks to the hard work of Gerre Book, our Principal, her faculty and staff, our maintenance genius, and many others, we have adapted Faris Hall as temporary classrooms, thus, our Annunziata Learning Center was able to open for the first day of school on Wednesday, August 24th.

Thought for the Day:

“Therapy may be good for your mental health, and diets may be good for your body,

but the Sacrament of Confession is still the best way toward purity of your soul!"