On this Labor Day weekend, we pay special tribute to the contributions and achievements of the Men and Women in our Nation who have made such a dramatic difference in the lives of others in our Country and throughout the world.
You are invited to join us for Mass on this Monday, September 5th, at 7 a.m.
The truth that by means of work, all human beings participate in the activity of God, our Creator, was given particular prominence by Jesus Christ. For Jesus not only proclaimed, but first and foremost fulfilled by His deeds the “gospel”, the word of eternal Wisdom, that had been entrusted to Him. Therefore this was also “the Gospel of work,” because He who proclaimed it was Himself a man of work, a craftsman like his foster father Joseph. If we do not find in his words a special command to work—but rather on one occasion a prohibition against too much anxiety about work and life, at the same time the eloquence of the life of Christ is unequivocal: Jesus belongs to the “working world”, He has an appreciation and respect for human work. It can be said that He looks with love upon human work and the different forms that it takes, seeing in each one of these forms a particular facet of man’s likeness with God, our Creator and Father.