Pope Francis invited all the world to a call to action for the poor and the needy in 2016, an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. At the end of that year, the Holy Father established a World Day of the Poor to be celebrated every year on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The sculpture in the picture above was conceived by renowned Canadian sculptor Timothy Schmalz to shed light on the problem of homelessness in the world and to promote practical solutions, especially in supporting the ministry of the St. Vincent dePaul Society worldwide.
As Pope Francis blest the sculpture entitled, “Sheltering” in St. Peter’s Square last week, Mr. Schmalz, encouraged people, “It is everyone’s job to provide the homeless with a roof over their heads. To make them visible and address their needs.”
In the coming weeks, as families gather for Thanksgiving, I thank you for your faithful support of our St. Vincent de Paul Society, and your own ongoing sacrifices to help the poor, needy, and homeless.
God Bless You!