

From Our Pastor...

Posted on March 10, 2023 in: Pastor


Beginning on our Parish Feast Day of the Annunciation, March 25, we welcome Father Richard Gielow of the Congregation of the Mission.Father Gielow will be living here at the rectory. I have prepared a list of days and times Father Gielow would be available for a visit or a meeting. Simply call the rectory to make an appointment.

Father Gielow will preach the weekend Sunday Masses on March 25/26. The Lenten MISSION schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday evening, 3/26, 7 to 8 p.m.—Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Special Preaching, and Benediction
  • Monday evening 3/27, 7 p.m. Lenten Mass followed by the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing
  • Tuesday evening 3/28, 7 p.m. Lenten Mass followed by the opportunity to receive God’s loving Forgiveness and Mercy.

About Fr. Gielow

Father Gielow holds a degrees in Philosophy, Theology and Religious Education from Catholic University of America. He is also listed in “Who’s Who in America” as a well-known preacher and retreat director. Currently, Father Gielow is the Director of the Vincentian Parish Mission Center, National Spiritual Advisor to the Ladies of Charity of USA, and National Spiritual Advisor to Fraternal Organization KSKJ.

Vincentian Mission Prayer

Divine Savior, transform me into yourself. May my hands be your hands. May my tongue be my tongue. Grant that every faculty of my body May serve only to glorify you. Above all, transform my soul and all its powers, that my memory, my will and my affections, may be the memory, the will and the affections of You. I pray You to destroy in me, all that not of you. Grant that I may live but in you, and by You, and for You, and that I may truly say with St. Paul, “I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me.”


Your parish is in need of Ushers at the 5pm Mass on Saturday and the 7,9,11 am Masses on Sunday mornings. Please sign up by calling Dodie or Linda at the rectory (314-993-4422). We will be able to get a substitute when you are out of town. Ushering is a great way to help out your parish.