

From Our Pastor...

Posted on June 16, 2023 in: Pastor


On Father’s Day, we remember and honor dads, grandfathers, uncles, and all the men, living and deceased, who tirelessly and selflessly gave of themselves for their families with unconditional love. It is a good time to also recall the exemplary role-model and patron saint of fathers —— St. Joseph — foster father of Jesus, husband of Our Lady and patron of the Universal Church.

Saint Joseph experienced the same difficulties in life we all do, yet he lived an exemplary life and established an ideal that is well-worth emulating for all fathers who have come after him. Saint Joseph was a man of compassion and caring. He was a man possessed of unwavering faith in God. He was a man who loved and protected his family. As St. Matthew describes in his Gospel, Joseph was a “righteous man”. For Joseph, doing God’s will was paramount; God always came first! St. Joseph, pray for us!


Pope Francis asks, “What is the biggest disease in life? Cancer? Heart disease? The corona virus pandemic? No. The greatest disease in life is the lack of love—not being able to love.

How often do people throw themselves into the wrong cures to satisfy our lack of love? Some people think that success and money will make them happy, but love cannot be bought; it is free! Some take refuge in the virtual world, but love is concrete. There are those who do not accept themselves as they are and they try to hide beyond exterior “make up,” but Love is not an appearance. We all search for answers, some from magicians and from gurus, to then find themselves without money and without peace.

Jesus emphasizes the importance of direct contact with Him, especially through the Sacraments He has given us. Jesus waits for us to encounter Him, to open our hearts to Him, as Jesus looks beyond the ugly matters of our history.

Jesus goes beyond sins. Jesus goes beyond prejudices. Jesus never stops at appearances, but reaches the heart. Let Jesus look at your heart and heal it. And if you have already felt His tender gaze upon you, imitate Jesus, and do as He does.