

From Our Pastor...

Posted on June 23, 2023 in: Pastor


Our Parish bulletin today pictures the cover of Bishop Robert Barron’s new book, “This Is My Body”. As you leave Church after Mass, please accept a copy as a gift for your family.

Bishop Barron writes, “In 2019, the respected Pew Forum released the results of a survey of Catholics in regard to their belief in the Eucharist. Along with many others, I was startled when I read the data, for I discovered that only one-third of those questioned subscribed to the Church’s official teaching that Jesus is really, truly, substantially present under the signs or appearances of bread and wine. Fully two-thirds held that the Eucharistic elements are merely symbolic of Jesus’ appearance. Whether you saw it as a failure in catechesis, preaching, theology, liturgy, or evangelization, it was an indication of a spiritual disaster. I say this because the Second Vatican Council clearly taught that the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life.’ Therefore, the Pew study revealed that the vast majority of our own Catholic people did not understand this central and crucial reality, the beginning and the end of Christianity.”

This book you receive as a gift from your Parish is designed to help all of us understand the Sacrament of Jesus’ Body and Blood more thoroughly, precisely so that we might fall in love with the Lord more completely.


Gerre Book has been the guiding light from the beginning of the Annunziata Learning Center for Catholic Special Education which has always been a very important mission of our Parish. I received this from her to share with all our parishioners who are so supportive:

Greetings to all the wonderful parishioners of Church of the Annunziata,

On behalf of the entire day school community, I want to send you the biggest thank you ever! As we wind down the 2022-2023 school year, it will go down as one of our most historic ones. The flood last summer wiped out our entire lower level of your school building and elevator. Thanks to Fr. Leykam, the amazing leadership and staff of this parish (in collaboration with the Archdiocese), we were able to relocate to Faris Hall for 3 months. As we scrambled to start the school year and have the supplies we needed, your generosity helped us provide the quality special education that we offer students who need a self-contained setting to learn. Your donations and prayers were exactly what was necessary for our smooth transition to the church hall and back into the school building on Halloween.

Our focus all year was the needs of the students while reviewing our lists of lost/damaged items. Most of our storage was on the lower level. A "shout out" to the PSR community who were so flexible as we worked together to share our teaching spaces through all transitions. The deep dedication of the PSR staff helped every decision become easier. We appreciated your willingness to work around our PODS storage as well as allowing our PE activities to be held safely on the parking lot. We look forward to the 2023-2024 school year with access to both levels of the school building for the PSR and day school programs. Thank you again for EVERYTHING you did to support us through this school year with all your prayers, generosity, and love for these children who learn in special ways. The Church of the Annunziata Parish community has been a blessing to us.

Enjoy your summer!
Gerre Book