

From Our Pastor...

Posted on October 19, 2023 in: Pastor

Dear Parishioners:

The past couple of months have seen much violence, hatred, and loss of innocent life in our world, country and our city. Racism, religious intolerance, and division in our society is so palatable and is troubling to all. As Christians these behaviors and actions are in total opposition to the Gospel values.

The senseless murders in Israel and all religious intolerances are to be condemned and must be confronted by all nations. We as a Church, and we here at the Church of the Annunziata, stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters and many innocent Palestinian faithful during this time of great distress. May God grant peace to the dead, healing to the injured, and comfort to the families of those hurt and killed and to all in the Middle East, Ukraine, and all areas of strife.

Tragically these senseless acts also have occurred against many Coptic Christians who have been senselessly killed in Egypt. The Islamic State (IS) group has said it carried out the attack. It was the latest in a series of attacks by extremists on Egypt's Coptic Christian minority. Many other similar attacks have taken place the last few years against Chaldean Catholics in Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

Sadly, our city has not been immune from violence, hatred, racism, and divisions of many forms. Police officers have been killed or injured, innocent women and men have been attacked violently and way too many have lost lives to violence.

To combat this, it will not be great programs; but it will be the little people, you and me. The way we: speak of others, treat others, respect others, stop bullying in our schools, forgive and cherish others will speak volumes. We can’t hope to do this on a wider scope if we do not do it in our own homes, community, schools, places of employment, our parish. Are we building up others in Christ or tearing them down?

This coming November as we pray for those who have gone before us in life let us also pray for a greater respect of all people and strive in our lives to tear down walls that divide and separate us and let us remember that our God is stronger than sin, stronger than death.

God Bless!

Msgr. John Shamleffer