

From Our Pastor...

Posted on March 19, 2024 in: Pastor

Dear Parishioners:

Today begins the holiest of weeks within our church year.  From the triumphal entrance with palms to the gift of Christ in the Eucharist; to His passion and dying on the cross; to the glory of his resurrection; we remember, we celebrate, we believe.  I invite all to partake in these sacred days of Palm Sunday,

Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.  These days are an opportunity for us to fast, pray, and attune ourselves to Christ’s paschal mystery.  We need these three days to slow us down, give us time to absorb the saving actions of Christ and their true meaning for us.

I would like to send a special invitation to all to attend our Easter Vigil at 7:30 PM this coming Saturday when the church throughout the world gathers to welcome into our parish families our newest members:  Here at Annunziata, we have a rich tradition of welcoming and celebrating with our newest members: who are preparing to enter the Church this Easter.  The Easter Vigil liturgy is the most glorious and uplifting celebration of the year; please consider attending and experiencing this celebration.

Lastly, let us pray for one another this week; let us pray for peace in our world (esp. in Holy Land, Ukraine, and our Nation), for our Pope Francis, for our Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski, our Archdiocese, for all those separated from our church, and for all of us that we might live out the Easter promise.  Then we can sing with the saints.

Hail thee, festival day!

Blest day to be hallowed forever;

Day when our Lord was raised,

Breaking the kingdom of death.

Have a Blessed Holy Week!

Msgr. John Shamleffer