Dear Parishioners,
"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day."
This past month, we have listened to the Sixth Chapter of John’s Gospel, the discourse on Jesus as the Bread of Life. This week, the readings call us to live with wisdom and understanding. They encourage us to seek true nourishment from Jesus, the Bread of Life, and live in a way that pleases God.
Invitation to Wisdom: The first reading from Proverbs invites us to leave behind foolishness and choose the way of understanding. Wisdom offers us true life and fulfillment. Wisdom’s invitation is to a better life. It encourages us to abandon foolishness and embrace understanding. Accepting Wisdom’s invitation means making better choices. It means seeking knowledge and understanding and applying them in our daily lives. Wisdom leads us to live in a way that pleases God and benefits ourselves and others.
When we choose wisdom, we choose a path that leads to true fulfillment and joy.
Living Wisely: Ephesians reminds us to live with wisdom, understanding God’s will for our lives. It urges us to be careful in how we live, making the most of every opportunity.
Thankfulness to God: Paul encourages us to always give thanks to God. This thankfulness helps us to live joyfully and gratefully, recognizing God’s many blessings.
Avoiding Foolishness: Ephesians warns against drunkenness and living without thought. Instead, it calls us to live with a clear mind and a focused heart.
Jesus, the Living Bread: In the Gospel, Jesus offers Himself as the living bread from heaven. Those who partake in Him through the Eucharist will receive eternal life, unlike those who ate manna and still died.
Eternal Life Through Christ: Jesus promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. This promise is a central theme, showing that true life is found in Jesus.
Spiritual Nourishment: The readings highlight the need for spiritual nourishment. Just as our bodies need food, our souls need the sustenance that comes from Christ in the Eucharist.
Living with Joy: Paul speaks of expressing joy through spiritual music. This joy comes from living in harmony with God’s will and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
With so many self-help books out there, Jesus and Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, urge us to live wisely, understand God’s will, and prioritize our time. They warn against drunkenness and encourage being filled with the Spirit, giving thanks, and singing spiritual songs. Our readings highlight the importance of good relationships and having an attitude of gratitude. Following Paul’s guidance can help us make the most of our time and lead a fulfilling life.
This teaching is central to our faith. Jesus offers Himself as our spiritual nourishment. By receiving Him in the Eucharist, we are united with Him and receive the promise of eternal life. As a reflection aid, I have added some questions to reflect on as we live out the gift of our life.
God Bless!
Msgr. John Shamleffer