Dear Parishioners:
It is that time of year again when our children have returned or are preparing to return to school. For our college students, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers here at The Church of the Annunziata. This time in your life is a wonderful opportunity for growth and learning. May your faith also grow with you over the coming years. For our high school students you are at an exciting time in your lives, new schools, new friends, new subjects bring great energy and excitement in your lives. This period of growth and new horizons help to bring about a greater maturity of faith and allow you the opportunity to give witness to your faith in your words and actions. For our elementary school students these are wondrous years, each one bringing new friends, knowledge and activities to your lives.
Our parish is blessed with a wonderful Parish School of Religion. I encourage all parents to make use of this school for your children. I also encourage you to attend Mass with them at our monthly Family Mass We have no greater gift to give, than to share with our children, our faith. If you have not already done so, please contact our new director of religious education, Mrs. Caroline Hall, and she will help you to register your child.
May this school year be a blessed one for our educators, parents and especially our children, as we all grow in faith.
Msgr. John Shamleffer