Dear Parishioners:
Every Christmas T.V. has some movie about a heroic effort made by someone to get home by Christmas. Following that theme, I thought this year we might make some kind of heroic effort and help someone return home for Christmas, return home to the Church of the Annunziata.
All of us know some person, some neighbor who has stopped actively participating in Church. Maybe it is time for us to reach out to them, listen to them, and support them in returning to Church. We know what a precious gift our faith is and like any good gift we wish to share it with others. So I encourage each and every one of us to reach out to someone and invite him or her to join our community of faith here at Annunziata.
Each of you by living out your faith becomes the greatest ambassador our parish community possesses. I would also be happy to contact anyone, if you would please send me their name and number; I will invite them to join our community.
" Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete. Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say rejoice." This week as we rejoice that the light of the world draws near, with Gaudete Sunday, I also invite you to give yourself any early gift with some quite time. Time to be with your loved ones and with the Lord. Let us pray for one another as we continue our Advent journey.
Advent Blessings!
Msgr. John Shamleffer