

From Our Pastor...

Posted on December 23, 2024 in: Pastor

Dear Parishioners:

This Christmas season welcome all to the Church of the Annunziata parish as we celebrate 95 years of parish life. Welcome to the stranger, the traveler, the neighborhood visitor, and the guest! Annunziata Church welcomes students home from college for a good winters rest. We welcome parishioners who have moved far away but join us again as old friends. We welcome all who have not been active of late in the Catholic faith, and hope that they will come back again and again. We welcome our faithful parishioners, loyal and true, may the Lord bless you for all that you do.

Welcome to all! May our gatherings gladden the hearts and deepen our bonds of Faith, Hope and Love.

We are after all, one people of God, redeemed by the light. May we walk by the Light and live by the Light, together in the Lord’s love, as we embark on this New Year. God bless you for all you have done this past year and for all that awaits this Holy Season.

A Christmas Prayer

Wonderful the dignity
you bestowed, O God,
on human nature
when you created it;
more wonderful still its condition
when you recreated it.
Grant we pray, that Jesus Christ your Son,
stooped to share our human nature,
so we may share the lot of his divine nature,
through that same Jesus Christ , your son, our Lord,
who with you and the Holy Spirit
has shared one life and kingly power,
one godhead, from all eternity.

Christmas Blessings!

Msgr. John Shamleffer

Msgr. John Leykam