

From Our Pastor....

Posted on April 15, 2022 in: Pastor


Dear parishioners, relatives and friends, beloved visitors, thank you for being an important part of the greatest solemnity of the year:  the holyday of Easter which celebrates the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!  After His crucifixion, death, and burial, three days later, Jesus rose from the grave. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin.

Christ’s Resurrection means that eternal life is granted to all who believe in Him, live the Gospel, and accept His gift of Salvation!  The purpose of Easter also means the full confirmation of all that Jesus taught and preached as the Son of God!

Update on “All Things New”

The Archdiocese of St. Louis Strategic Pastoral Planning Initiative is dependent on prayer and good discernment.  There is no predetermined plan.  Good discernment requires information if we are going to discern what the future should look like.  Annunziata Parish is blest to have 77.9% participation in the Disciple Maker Index Survey based on the October, 2021 weekend Mass count numbers for three weekends.  Paper copies of the survey returned is 209 added to the 158 online surveys comes to a total of 367 surveys completed.

As announced on January 25th, the launch date of “ALL THINGS NEW”, every parish in the Archdiocese was asked to assemble a team of five key parish leaders to help guide the discussions at the parish level.  Our Team announced in January is Katie Ackerman, Rick Holton, Jr., Deanie Reis, Liza Thornhill, and Charlie Weiss.  Our Parish Team will participate in several educational webinars in May and June.  Then our Parish Team will be provided a workbook and conversation guide to help process feedback from the 367 Disciple Maker Index surveys from our parish, and then steer discussions toward the greatest needs for evangelization and social outreach.

Additionally, 372 listening sessions will be held at parishes across the Archdiocese in October and November of this year.  These sessions are expected to include proposed models for the future structure of the Archdiocese.

You are Invited for Divine Mercy Celebration

Pastor Father Michael Grosch and the parishioners of St. Gerard Majella in Kirkwood invite you to join them for a Divine Mercy Celebration on Sunday afternoon, April 24th.  St. Gerard Majella is located at Ballas Road and Dougherty Ferry, one block east of I-270, at 1969 Dougherty Ferry in Kirkwood.

V The Service will be in the Church from 2:30-4:00 pm.  There will not be a Mass. 

V There will be Veneration of First Class Relics of St. Faustina (bone) and St. Gerard Majella (bones) from 1:45-2:25 pm and after the Service. 

V There will be Confession from 2:00 until all  are heard, Blessing of the Image, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 pm, the Divine Mercy Litany, Benediction, and the Divine Praises.