

From Our Pastor...

Posted on April 29, 2022 in: Pastor


Saturday, April 30, was a very special day in the life of our Parish Family, as eighteen girls and boys received the Risen

Christ for the first time. My gratitude to their parents, their teacher, Richard McIntosh, and Laura Gywali, our Parish

School of Religion Principal. Please pray for them.


The month of May is dedicated to Mary, our Blessed Mother. Saint Mary of the Annunciation is the focus of our prayer as we honor Mary and ask her to intercede for us to help us become more like Jesus, her Son and our Savior. May we accept these days to pray the rosary for peace in our hearts, our families, our nation, and the world in which we live, especially for the people of Ukraine.


We welcome Bishop Mark Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis, on this Thursday, May 5th, as he celebrates the Eucharist at 7 p.m.and confers the Sacrament of Confirmation on our junior high teens. Parishioners are most welcome to come to Mass andpraise God with our teens and their families as they complete their full initiation into their Catholic Faith! Come Holy Spirit!


During this time of uncertainty and suffering, the Annual Catholic Appeal continues to sustain ministries and services throughout St. Louis and ten surrounding counties. Our reach is extensive, our Catholic devotion runs deep, and our readiness to live the Gospel is strong. Your prayerful support will play a central role in impacting the lives of those served. Those who are in need of God’s love are not strangers. They are family. Let us come together as one Church to lift up anymember of our family who seeks God’s grace and mercy.

Please make a gift to the 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal—we are grateful for your participation!