

From Our Pastor...

Posted on July 22, 2022 in: Pastor


In last week’s bulletin, I shared an extensive report on the “All Things New” strategic planning initiative. I have repeated that report in today’s bulletin in the hope that as many parishioners as possible will read it. Towards the end of the analysis was the question, “So what’s next?” Every parish in the Archdiocese is now asked to provide feedback on two critical questions which are essential to carrying out the Mission that Jesus gives to all of us. You may offer your feedback online at our website, or you may tear out the insert, fill it in, and place the “Parish Feedback Form” in the collection boxes in Church or drop it by the rectory. As with the Disciple Maker Index, there is no need to sign your name. Please, let your voice be heard.


Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith ------- the Lord’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. When you find Jesus, and your heart is enamored, and you realize that other people do not recognize Him, your heart breaks. It doesn’t break because Jesus is not there. It doesn’t break because the person is bad. It breaks because there is such a possibility for a beautiful relationship with God! Mother Teresa has been quoted as saying that if you are not able to see Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, you won’t be able to see Jesus in the poor or the immigrant or the unemployed. The Eucharist is incredibly social, because even the word that we use when we receive the host, “Communion” conveys this. That communion is not only with God, but with each other.